Oscars: Right or Wrong?

2000 Winner Gladiator Gladiator is a fine movie, heavy emphasis on fine. There were better choices. What should have won? Traffic Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and Erin Brokovich are also worthy winners, but Traffic is a masterclass in crosscutting narrative excellence, boasting terrific performances and a prime script. What should have been nominated? In the... Continue Reading →

“The Last Duel” is an interesting, if altogether too long, Rashomon-like tale of perception

No one has quite been able to replicate Akira Kurosawa's masterpiece Rashomon in terms of telling a story with multiple perspectives and leaving the audience guessing as to what really happened. Director Ridley Scott, perhaps sensing this looming prospect of failure, instead doesn't try to outdo Kurosawa, but just emulate him, paying homage to a... Continue Reading →

“Shang-Chi” is… zzzzz

It's far past time for Marvel to have an Asian superhero. Just like it was past time for them to have a Black superhero. And past time for them to have a woman superhero. Well, anyway, we're here now. All ready to dive into everyone's favorite superhero... Shang-Chi. Written by Dave Callaham, Destin Daniel Cretton... Continue Reading →

“Halloween Kills” Sucks

The rebooted Halloween (2018) was a sturdy continuation of the original Halloween (1978) with a demonic Michael Myers, a cynical town and a vengeful Laurie (Jamie Lee Curtis). There were flashes of #MeToo, some good scares, a great score by John Carpenter... how did this sequel screw all that up? Directed by David Gordon Green... Continue Reading →

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