“Sins of Our Mother” is a horrifying delve into a traditional family

The indoctrinating power of cults is something well-versed in American society, from Patty Hearst to QAnon. You would think that you’ve heard the craziest stories about these renegade groups and their power to make individuals compromise their core beliefs.

And then you come across a story like Sins of Our Mother, that’s somehow even more shocking than you could believe, and your faith in humanity goes down the drain.

Created by Skye Borgman, Sins of Our Mother follows the Vallow family. Told primarily from son Colby’s perspective, the series investigates the sudden deaths of several family members and the eventual disappearance of two of Colby’s siblings. Mother Lori, a former beauty pageant winner, has fallen in with false prophet Chad Daybell, who proclaims crazy shit about the end of the world and necessary sacrifices and blah, blah, the kind of nuts you’d expect from a serious psychopath with a God complex (or the modern Republican party). Taken out of context, these stories are often laughable, but when those beliefs lead to action, tragedy ensues.

Stories about falling under the sway of alluring conmen are relatively common in today’s society, but there’s something about the shocking cruelty of Lori and Daybell’s actions that hits close to home; seemingly so personable, the pair are evil, sacrificing something so pure and innocent for deranged and ultimately pointless reasons.

Colby is a terrific interview, his emotion and resolve shining through the screen. He guides the series to a heartbreaking conclusion that finds some solace in hoping for a better life for yourself despite the past.

The most frustrating thing about the series is that it ends before a proper conclusion; Lori and Daybell are currently in the middle of their trials. One would hope (a strange phrase to use in this context) for a second installment that helps break down exactly what happened to the Vallow family and if Lori will ever see the light of clarity.

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